Security cameras are a great way to add an extra layer of security to your home or business. They can be used to monitor your property and alert you when something is amiss, and they can even be used as evidence in the case of a burglary or other crime. But there are some things you should know about security cameras before you go out and purchase one. Here are seven surprising facts you need to know about your security camera NZ:
1. Security cameras can be hacked
A security camera is a tool that helps you feel safe and secure in your home, but there are many ways to get around them. Hackers can gain access to your security system, so you need to keep an eye on any changes that may have been made. If someone has access to your security camera footage, they could use it for nefarious purposes. This includes spying on you if they know when you’re not at home or trying to break into your house by watching you leave.
2. Some types of security cameras have a blind spot
Many cameras that use infrared technology have blind spots, which means that criminals may be able to sneak past them without being detected. This is especially true if the thief is wearing dark clothing or has a black car — both situations where infrared cameras won’t work well at night or in low-light conditions. You can usually find out if there are any blind spots in your home before buying an infrared camera by doing some research online or asking around among friends who have them installed already. If there are no blind spots, then this isn’t much of an issue anyway!
3. Security camera footage can be faked
If you watch enough crime dramas on TV, you know that security camera NZ footage is often used as evidence in criminal cases. But that doesn’t mean that all security cameras are trustworthy! Security cameras can be tampered with or even completely faked by tricking the system into thinking it’s recording. This can happen when the camera’s owner doesn’t change the default password or when someone hacks into the system remotely. Either way, it’s important to be aware of this possibility so you don’t rely on security camera footage for evidence in court.
4. Cameras can be used for spying
If someone can access your security camera feed, they can use it to spy on you and learn more about your life than they should know. This could include seeing who enters your home and how frequently they visit, whether they’re carrying dangerous items like weapons or drugs, and even what time you leave for work every day (which could help them plan an attack). It might be tempting to share videos from your home online for fun or profit but think twice before doing so because it could put you at risk if your privacy isn’t protected adequately. You should change your password regularly.
5. You should change your password regularly
Your home security camera NZ is only as good as its password. If someone can get into your system, they can see everything you see and worse. So make sure you have a strong password that’s not something easy to guess. Don’t use “password,” or any variation of it like “p4ssw0rd” or “PassW0rd.”
6. You can set up your own monitoring system
If you want to keep an eye on your home when you’re away, but don’t want to pay for professional monitoring, then you can set up your own system with a smart doorbell or an indoor/outdoor camera. These systems connect to the internet and allow you to watch from anywhere. You’ll be able to see who’s at the door, talk through the intercom and even unlock doors remotely if necessary (with some smart locks). Some people even have a camera installed in their home that allows them to monitor it remotely when they’re away — kind of like having eyes in every room of their house at all times!
7. People are using security cameras as part of their home decor
In fact, some people are using them for purely decorative purposes. They’ll place them in a corner or on their bookshelf and let them run 24/7 without any worry about someone breaking in or stealing anything. This gives users peace of mind knowing that their home is safe and secure no matter where they go or who is watching over it.
Over the years, security camera NZ systems have advanced immensely, but few buyers realise just how much these devices have changed. The truth is that modern security cameras are not like the ones we used twenty or even ten years ago. The following are the most important things you need to know about your security camera before you make your next purchase.