Education is one of the most important parts of our lives. It prepares an individual to help build a good society. Young ones are educated so that they can help society be better and keep it running smoothly. With education, we acquire knowledge, skills, values, morals, beliefs, and habits. It is a process where we learn, train, and discuss, and research for the betterment of society. Education is provided at schools, colleges, and coaching centers. These facilitate learning but with the advancements in technology in this era of science, research, and the internet, education is now coming to our homes.
Many online websites help you learn new things and acquire new skills. Technology has revolutionized education and ways of education. Now, learners have an approach to the best teachers. One can learn about anything just from sitting at home.
Coronavirus pandemic helped the education platforms emerge more than ever. Students, learners were sitting at home due to global lockdown and it was the time when online education platforms and online tutoring (bimbel online, which is the term in Indonesian) services boomed to the top. When we were unable to go out to schools, colleges, coaching centers, and tuition centers, the internet comes to the rescue. Now after this pandemic it is being expected that most of the people will be choosing to study from home, which is not a bad idea. Studying from the comfort of your home increases your productivity.
Students can find the best teachers for themselves and parents can find the best teacher for their kids, there are no boundaries of demographics. The impact of global lockdown due to will be seen to a big extent on education sectors. Online tutoring services will be helpful to coach your child the best in every field.
Here is a list of things that people can learn online:
- Foreign Language Skills
- Learn To Design
- Architecture Course
- Learn Singing, Cooking, And Make-Up.
- Learn To Code
- Learn To Play An Instrument
- Learn About Business, Stocks, And Technology
These are some of the things that you can learn online with the ease and comfort of your home. We have been making advancements in every field now. This modern world is yet to flourish and provide us with the best technology. This global lockdown helped us understand our mistakes and shortcomings, which can be addressed and improved with ease with all the information being on tip of our fingertips. Education brings about change and this is going to be the thing that prepares a new educated generation, which will eventually help make this world a better place.