Natural disasters, accidents, and catastrophes can cause massive damage. As a result, various injuries are possible – concussions, fractures, compression of certain parts of the body, injuries, and more. Fires can cause burns of all degrees along with injuries. Accidents at chemically and radiation-hazardous sites can result in large numbers of people living near these facilities, as well as local damage to the skin and mucous membranes. Analyzing all of the above, we understand the need for First Aid skills. In this case, Erste-Hilfe Kurs München is the best solution.
What to do in case of an emergency?
First Aid is the simplest, urgent, and appropriate measure to save lives and prevent complications in emergencies, accidents, injuries, and sudden illness. Erste Hilfe Kurs münchen laim explains the signs by which you can quickly assess the condition of the victim:
- consciousness: clear, disturbed (the victim is inhibited or excited), absent;
- breathing: normal, disturbed (superficial, arrhythmic, hoarse), absent;
- heart contractions: well defined (rhythm right or wrong), poorly defined, absent;
- pupils: dilated, narrowed;
- skin color and visible mucous membranes (lips, eyes): pink, pale, bluish.
The person providing assistance on Erste Hilfe Kurs must adhere to the following recommendations:
- release the victim from further exposure to a hazardous production factor (electric current, chemicals, water, etc.), assess the condition of the victim;
- determine the nature and extent of damage, for which to expose the damaged part of the body or remove all clothing from the victim;
- take the necessary measures to rescue the victim as a matter of urgency (restore airway patency, if necessary, administer artificial respiration, external heart massage, stop bleeding, apply a bandage, etc.);
- call medical workers or take measures to transport the victim to the nearest medical institution.
Erste Hilfe führerschein münchen has been developed by experts and offers an interactive and interesting way to learn important information and skills.